Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring has Sprung? Really?

They say that March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a lamb. I think mother nature got confused this year because March started out fairly mild and ended with a snowstorm. If the weather was trying to play an April Fools joke on us, when we woke up to snow on April 1st, we didn't think it was very funny. Looking on the bright side, however, we are glad that we'll have more runoff during the summer to water the crops with.

So, between snowstorms and balancing our day jobs, we at Elm Crest Farm have been trying to get the ground prepared for crops and seeds started. One of our cold frames was invaded by mice who enjoyed a salad of a variety of seedlings, much to our chagrin. We have since replanted and mice-proofed our cold frame.

Since we're still trying to get everything on the farm organized and ready for larger production, and since we don't know exactly how large our customer base will be this year, we are starting out fairly small. So far we have started the following crops with more to come:

-Snow peas
-Bibb Lettuce
-Pink Flame Lettuce (a new crop we are trying, has cool pink edges and nice texture)
-Tomatoes-Cherokee Purple & Big Mama
-Peppers-red, green, & yellow sweet bell peppers, CasaBella (mildly hot)
-Sweet Basil
-Italian Parsley
-Shasta Daisies

We welcome any comments, suggestions, or crop requests. Despite the setbacks we sometimes encounter with the weather and rodents, we enjoy working with mother nature to produce healthy, home grown food and look forward to sharing our harvest with the community.

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